A few days ago, it was discovered that fixing a typo in the INI file for Aliens: Colonial Marines, Gearbox’s incredibly maligned first-person shooter, actually fixed some of the enemy AI. We tested it. Even after knowing what it does, we were flabbergasted it actually works.
Somehow, someway, a spelling mistake made the game worse. Even more surprising, it wasn’t caught until fans managed to find and fix it. Today, Gearbox decided to tweet a job listing that makes a little fun of the problem.
Feeling teathered to your current job? We have the perfect opportunity for you: https://t.co/uhACLaDDUU
— Gearbox Official (@GearboxOfficial) July 16, 2018
The job listing is for a programming copy editor who has very specific duties.
- Review all code for typos. Just that.
Desired Skills and Experience:
- Enjoys finding typos.
Required Skills and Experience:
- Click apply and pass the rigorous questionnaire located on the application.”
The questionnaire referred to in the listing consists of a single question and an open text box: “Please respond with the correct spelling: tether or teather.”
You can apply for the probably fake job here, but honestly, maybe they should consider someone to actually do it. It’s not like this was a problem that happened to some other company.
Source: Game Informer Gearbox Pokes Fun At Aliens: Colonial Marines AI Bug