The Dark Knight is the kind of movie that comes along generationally. Something so groundbreaking and different that everything else after it changes. It changed our expectations for superhero films, it redefined our expectations of classic characters, it put Christopher Nolan on the map as one of the greatest directors ever, it even changed the Oscars best picture category after getting snubbed (the year after the Academy opened it up to 10 possible nominees). The importance of the movie can’t be overstated.

It’s also just awesome to watch. I mean even without all the clout it’s a great film to see on the big screen, and if for some reason you didn’t do that originally you’ve got a second chance now. Starting August 24, The Dark Knight will have a one-week run at a very limited amount of theaters — four to be exact. I’m not sure why it isn’t getting the same kind of national rollout that other anniversary re-releases have in the past, but this is what we got. 

Dark Knight will return to theaters for a one-week, super-limited run screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Dark Knight will return to theaters for a one-week, super-limited run