Capcom has shared more details on the upcoming Devil May Cry 5, saying it’s aiming for a consistent 60 frames per second.

According to an interview with the developer in Famitsu, via Silicon Era, while the goal for the team is photorealism combined with “tight Capcom play control”, hitting a consistent 60 fps is also a focus, to nail the high-speed combat associated with the series.

However, Capcom stated the photorealism graphics will affect the motion cancel mechanic, saying it would look strange and calling it “the uncanny valley of action.” As a result, players will still be able to input motion cancel in DMC 5, but it won’t skip the animation. The developers are continually trying to offset the new look of the game with gameplay responsiveness.

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Source: Devil May Cry 5: Capcom is Aiming for a Consistent 60 fps