Jonathan Blow, creator of Braid and The Witness, has shown more of his new puzzle game. It’s a game inspired by (and even, it seems, codenamed) Sokoban, the old Japanese game about pushing boxes in specific orders to cover all the marks on the floor.
Blow showed footage during his talk at Spanish conference Gamelab, which I popped along to a few weeks ago. It’s taken a little while for the videos to appear online.
In the footage, the viewer looks down into a leafy kind of compartmentalised level to see three characters and six doorless rooms. There’s one big crystal which needs moving but when you move around, blocks pop up barring the way. What to do? That’s the puzzle. Character abilities will help you out – in the video a wizard uses a kind of teleportation spell to move the crystal – and there’s an undo mechanic to keep your experimentation swift.
Source: Eurogamer Jonathan Blow shows more footage of his new Sokoban-inspired game