A Disney XD parody account tweeted the fake announcement of a Fortnite TV show leading many to believe a show is in the works, but don’t get too excited — the announcement isn’t real.
Even though the tweet was simple, it was enough to have it shared a few thousand times on Twitter. The fake announcement stated the show would premiere on August 12, 2019 and teased upcoming sneak peeks throughout the week.
The parody account goes by the Twitter handle @DisnayXD and even uses a globe icon at the end of the username to trick careless users into thinking it’s a verified account.
The tweet gained enough attention to get addressed by an employee of Epic. Nick Chester tweeted condemning the tweet and anyone reporting it as fact, squashing any question that a TV show is being made.
Source: IGN.com No, That Fortnite TV Show Tease Isn’t Real