San Diego Comic Con, or SDCC as the kool kidz call it, opens today. Thousands upon thousands of attendees, cash burning a hole in their Black Widow costume, are expected to attend the annual event, which will be used as a platform by various industries to showcase the latest trailers, gameplay clips, merchandise and franchise news.

Out of SDCC we usually get a ton of announcements concerning video games, movies, TV, anime… everything except comics, really. Upcoming toy prototypes make their debut, passionate cosplayers bring their A-game, while stars from blockbuster movies get asked questions they can’t possibly be expected to answer, like “What’s going to happen in Avengers 4?”

Are you expecting anything in particular from SDCC 2018? Maybe there’s a figurine reveal you’re waiting on, a TV announcement you have your fingers crossed for, or some gameplay footage you’re eager to check out. Perhaps you’re lucky enough to be in attendance this year, what are you gonna get up to? are you cosplaying? Will you take enough bottled water with you?

Let us know below what mind-blowing news, previews and predictions you’re expecting from this year’s San Diego Comic Con. If you’re going, have fun and be safe, brothers and sisters. Oh, and if you see Tessa Thompson milling about, get me her autograph, please.

What news out of San Diego Comic Con are you excited for? screenshot

Source: Destructoid What news out of San Diego Comic Con are you excited for?