You could say that I embed myself in a wide array of action games, including the Batman: Arkham series.

I tend to notice little nuances of combat as they evolve over time, and it’s crazy to see just how much of an impact that the first Arkham and Assassin’s Creed had on the rest of the genre. That simple “attack incoming, counter” symbol above enemy heads is pretty much a staple now — even MMOs are utilizing telegraphed attacks more in recent years. But not every project draws from that same well.

I managed to get my hands on Spider-Man‘s E3 build by way of an event hosted by Sony, and I have to say: any comparisons to Arkham (which I’ve seen quite a bit of in the past year) are surface level at best.

As an avid Arkham player, Spider-Man PS4 manages to differentiate itself quite a bit screenshot

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Source: Destructoid As an avid Arkham player, Spider-Man PS4 manages to differentiate itself quite a bit