The minute someone mentioned a secret quest in Destiny 2, my entire day went off the rails in the best way possible. Early rumors were that the Black Spindle quest had finally appeared, and I was all in to work on a Friday night. Turns out it wasn’t the Black Spindle, but it’s the spiritual successor of the Black Hammer, and we’re talking pre-nerfed Black Hammer. Here’s how to get the Whisper of the Worm exotic sniper rifle in Destiny 2 by completing the secret quest called The Whisper.
How to Get the Whisper of the Worm
The first step to get the Whisper of the Worm in Destiny 2 is to head to Io on Patrol. You’ll want a full team of three Guardians, and everybody should be veteran killers at or near the maximum Power level. Once on Io, head to the Lost Oasis region and wait for the Taken Blight public even to spawn. You don’t need to finish it, but it’s what coincides with the spawn of three key enemies.
• Urzok, Aspect of Hate
• Drevis, Aspect of Darkness
• Ta’urac, Aspect of War
When the Taken Blight public event begins, one of these three will spawn in one of three locations. Find the enemy that spawned and kill them, then return to the area where the Taken Blight public event began to see a portal. The fireteam leader of your group must pass through the portal, teleporting your team into the Grove of Ulan-Tan, the location of the secret mission for the Whisper of the Worm.
Secret Quest: The Whisper
The first thing to note is that The Whisper has a 20-minute time limit. If you and your team aren’t done the quest at that point, you’ll fail and must start again from scratch. This means waiting for another Taken Blight public even in Lost Oasis, then finding the corresponding enemy (listed above), and killing them.
The first half of The Whisper is simply a jumping puzzle that requires you to navigate through subtle pathways and complete mildly challenging jumping puzzles. The goal here is repetition. Get fast with this part so that when you get to the end with the final fights, you have as much time as possible.
The final three rooms will be filled with loads of Taken and Taken Blights. Destroy the Blights, kill the Taken, and defeat the three named bosses. These are the same bosses that are listed above. Since I haven’t finished it (been in the final room) myself, details are a bit sparse for now. I’ll be sure to update this when I have the Whisper of the Worm and provide more details, including video.
Keep up with the latest Destiny 2 coverage by stopping by Shacknews’ complete Destiny 2 strategy guide.
Source: Shacknews How to Get the Whisper of the Worm in Destiny 2