The mobile version of the cube-centric Pokemon title Pokemon Quest has just gotten an update in the form of the Version 1.0.2. update, which resolves a litany of different issues that players have been experiencing, such as an issue where Pokemon on your team would stop moving if you used specific moves. More importantly, it also adds a new quest specifically for mobile users that awards 100 PM tickets the first time you make backup data for your game.

This follows Version 1.1.0, which previously implemented 500 PM tickets that were up for grabs as well as fixes that were to make for a more “pleasant” gameplay experience. If you’re needing to update to the latest version of the game, it’s very simple to do. Launch the game and the update will be installed automatically. From there, you can play normally. You shouldn’t be able to log in and play without getting the update instantaneously, so this way you just open up your game and get started and you’ll be up to date.

If you haven’t downloaded Pokemon Quest still, it’s a free download available for mobile devices and Nintendo Switch. While it succumbs to many of your typical mobile free-to-play trappings, it’s still very much a fun twist on the Pokemon series, and worth giving a try. 

Source: Shacknews Pokemon Quest Version 1.0.3. Update Squashes Pesky Bugs on Mobile
