The recent Dark Nights: Metal crossover introduced a fearsome new villain in the form of The Batman Who Laughs, a twisted version of Batman who becomes the Joker. Now that villain will be returning to the spotlight in the form of a new miniseries from writer Scott Snyder and artist Jock.

The Batman Who Laughs art by Jock. (DC Entertainment) The Batman Who Laughs art by Jock. (DC Entertainment)

That was the biggest news to hit at DC’s Justice League panel at Comic-Con this afternoon. The Batman Who Laughs is a horror-oriented series that again pits Batman against his twisted mirror image. But this time the Batman Who Laughs will have a new partner. The series will introduce another Dark Knight from the Dark Multiverse, one who’s become obsessed with guns ever since shooting Joe Chill as a child.

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Source: The Batman Who Laughs Returns in November