Nintendo is one of the few AAA companies that still understands the value of local multiplayer, and that’s fantastic. Other companies should follow in its footsteps there. Nintendo also has built a reputation for having less reliable online netcode. That’s extremely problematic in a world where online connectivity becomes more prevalent every day.

Despite this, Nintendo is planning to join Sony and Microsoft by rolling out a required paid online service. That’s acceptable, assuming that the money is spent towards improving that online… but Nintendo has never said it’s doing any such thing. The online plans mention cloud saves and some NES games (and probably other retro games to succeed the Virtual Console, not that we’ve seen any yet), but nothing about improving online stability. As long as the online is acceptable, I would probably cave anyway.

But right now, the Switch’s online isn’t acceptable. Sometimes it’s even unplayable, and the advice on Nintendo’s support page hasn’t helped me. While I’m not sure exactly how widespread this dilemma is, I know from previous discussions with our community this is not a unique problem.

How reliable is the Switch's online? screenshot

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Source: Destructoid How reliable is the Switch’s online?