Voltron: Legendary Defender is an anime reimagining of the original classic TV show, and it’s been wildly successful. The show’s seventh season is about to begin, and Shacknews caught up with Coran voice actor Rhys Darby and story editor Josh Hamilton to chat about the new season and some other fun tidbits, such as what a Voltron game may very well look like.
“I’ve never been this deep in seasons in a show ever,” said Darby. “I’m feeling great, everyone seemed to really like the [episode],” so I’m really excited, gushed Hamilton.
“Karan is highly strung, and I’m not as a person,” said Darby. “I have to put a lot of fun into this voice, because he’s kind of an excitable, fun guy.” The pair were asked about what they might want out of a Voltron video game in the future as well.
“It would have to be open universe, to fly around different planets and stuff. A lot is spaceships, a lot is planet work, and so many different aliens. I would love for it to be a third-person, open-world experience. I’m just getting excited thinking about it,” said Darby. “Who’s making it?!”
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Source: Shacknews SDCC 2018: Rhys Darby and Josh Hamilton Discuss Voltron: Legendary Defender Game Possibilities