Marvel is a company with a lot of hot properties right now, and in addition to a host of movies set within the Marvel Cinematic Universe, game fans are also being treated to polished mobile games like Marvel Strike Force, a free-to-play strategy title from the folks at Seismic Games. To learn more about the studio’s latest heroic release, Shacknews met up with Jason Bender, creative director on Marvel Strike Force, at SDCC 2018 to discuss working with Marvel heroes and the finer points of developing for mobile hardware.

In the video, Bender details the relationship of developer Seismic Games to the strategy genre and how the team was eager to work with characters and histories set in the Marvel canon:

“We come from a strategic background, we’ve worked on a lot of strategy games — Lord of the Rings, Command and Conquer, […] so bringing those sensibilities of deep strategy to these great Marvel characters was just a dream come true for us.”

Players can learn more information about Marvel Strike Force by heading to the game’s official website or by simply downloading the game for free via the iOS App Store or Google Play Store. To discover more great videos, including developer interviews and convention coverage for events like E3 or PAX, be sure to check out both Shacknews and over on YouTube.

Source: Shacknews SDCC 2018: Marvel Strike Force Creative Director Talks Heroes and Tactics
