The whole loot box situation has been unfolding at a rapid pace these past six months, after Electronic Arts screwed up and let their dastardly plan hit mainstream news outlets. I’m sure everyone, Activision/Blizzard in particular, is feeling the heat and shaking their heads at EA for allowing everyone to bring the issue to the forefront of governing bodies across the world.

That fervor has led to all sorts of actual legislation and self-legislation, which includes the Chinese government forcing publishers to release loot box rarity drop rates to the public in the former case, and organizations like Apple requiring rarity postings for games on their service. But any ol’ developer can get ahead of the situation if they choose (hint hint), and Rocket League‘s Psyonix is doing just that as of today.

According to a post on the official website, Rocket League‘s crate rarity has been “the same since it launched in September 2016” — that includes a 55% chance to get a rare item all the way down to a 1% chance for  Black Market item. The studio also breaks down the entire “three-step process” if you’re interested in wrapping your head around the is it or is it not gambling, we don’t know because every other country has a different view on it, when will this nightmare end system.

Drop Rates in Rocket League Crates [Rocket League]

Rocket League creators reveal drop rates for crates amid growing concerns for loot box legislation screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Rocket League creators reveal drop rates for crates amid growing concerns for loot box legislation