Developer Ska Studios has announced that its enormously enjoyable, Dark Souls-inspired 2D action-adventure Salt and Sanctuary is coming to Switch on August 2nd.

Salt and Sanctuary first released for PlayStation 4 and PC in 2016 (a Vita version followed a year later), and was a game I enjoyed immensely at the time. Those Dark Souls comparisons are well-earned too, if you’re wondering: it’s an explicit attempt to translate From Software’s seminal fantasy series into two dimensions.

Salt and Sanctuary begins with our hero, the Saltborn, shipwrecked on the shores of a vast, mysterious kingdom. Inevitably, there’s a strong exploratory aspect to the experience, but it also does a grand job of shifting Dark Souls’ considered combat to the 2D plane.

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Source: Eurogamer Dark-Souls-inspired 2D action-adventure Salt and Sanctuary comes to Switch this August