No Man’s Sky is a game that has received a lot of updates since its initial debut — enough to earn the game the Shacknews Award for Best Comeback of 2017. Though several tweaks and changes have been implemented, all of the previous updates pale in comparison to the latest Next update, which notably includes the option for fans to engage in multiplayer gameplay. This is an all-new addition to No Man’s Sky, so it’s understandable if some players don’t know how to join or host multiplayer games. Fortunately, we know exactly how it works, so continue reading to learn how to join and host multiplayer games in No Man’s Sky Next.

How to Host a Multiplayer Game in No Man’s Sky Next

Starting up a new multiplayer game in No Man’s Sky next is a fairly straightforward procedure, though there are some steps players will want to familiarize themselves with. The first step involves selecting to either start an old save or join a friend’s save from the title screen.

No Man’s Sky Next host/join multiplayer options. Credit via Prima Games

Hosting a game mainly involves the primary player selecting his or her own save file, then loading it up. At that point, anyone on that player’s friends list will be able to join the game at will, and will typically spawn in the server somewhere close to the primary player’s location.

How to Join a Multiplayer Game in No Man’s Sky Next

The process for joining a multiplayer game in No Man’s Sky Next involves a few more steps than hosting a multiplayer game. First, from the title screen, choose the option that says Join Game. At that point, the game will load a list of all the player’s friends as well as an option to join a random multiplayer game. Select which ever option seems best, then choose a save file to load into the game.

There’s one particular caveat for players trying to join another player’s game: the joining player’s save file must match the game mode of the hosting player’s save file — this is simply so that players can’t use Creative mode save files in Survival games.

Once the host game and save file has been selected, the game will load the joining player into the host’s game, spawning the joining player somewhere close to the host and/or other players. From there, they’ll be able to explore and craft to their hearts’ content.

The No Man’s Sky Next update includes way more than the option for players to host or join multiplayer games. To learn more about Hello Games’ open-universe adventure and its latest features, be sure to head over to Shacknews’ No Man’s Sky home page.

Source: Shacknews How to Play Multiplayer Games – No Man's Sky Next
