Please Take A Look is a recurring show on the Official Shacknews Twitch Channel were we give you a look at the newest releases or upcoming games. On this episode, the gang travels back to their childhood by way of Sleep Tight, the new twin-stick shooter/tower defense game from We Are Fuzzy. Sleep Tight tasks you with protecting your bedroom against waves of the things that go bump in the night. You’ll need to be quick on the stick and smart with your planning to survive for any length of time. I think we all know how this will turn out. We will also have some Sleep Tight keys to give away as well! The fun starts at 5:45 PM ET (2:45PM PT) on the Shacknews Twitch Channel.

As always, we’d like to take a moment and thank our subscribers and followers. These streams only happen due to your support and regular viewings. Another big thanks to those who participate in the Twitch chat. Your interaction means a lot to the streaming folks and is always appreciated. Viewers who have Amazon Prime are given one free Twitch Prime subscription a month if Amazon and Twitch accounts are linked. Check out our guide for more information on how to link your accounts.

Source: Shacknews Please Take A Look: Sleep Tight Stream and Giveaway
