Some indie studios are intentionally adding easy-to-unlock trophies to their games in order to boost sales and raise funding for further projects.
Talking to Kotaku, Infinite Madaa’s Salem Al-Ghanim – the developer behind cross-play enabled Little Adventure on the Prairie, which released on the PlayStation 4 and Vita in February – said that he was advised to include an easy Platinum “with a cheap price” and cross-play to secure enough sales to reinvest funds into the studio’s next game.
“A friend of mine suggested to release the game on PS4 and Vita and add an easy Platinum to it with a cheap price,” said Al-Ghanim, after deciding to port his game from Android. “This way a lot of people buy it and we would get the funding we need for our next game.”
Source: Eurogamer Games with easy trophies help indie studios "get the funding" needed for future projects