Developer Frogwares has unveiled the first gameplay trailer for its promising open-world Lovecraft horror, The Sinking City, which is due to launch next March on PS4, Xbox One, and PC. A word of warning: this probably isn’t an ideal watch if straight razors (or tentacles) make you squeamish.

Frogwares, whose previous work includes the extremely solid investigation-based Sherlock Holmes series, announced The Sinking City – described as the developer’s most ambitious project to date – in March last year.

Several suitably atmospheric cinematic teasers and trailers have been released since then, but the latest is the first to include a look at The Sinking City in action – although some of the footage might seem familiar to fans who’ve been following the game’s progress closely, through Frogwares’ behind-the-scenes development updates.

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Source: Eurogamer Promising open-world Lovecraft horror The Sinking City gets its first gameplay trailer