Abbey Games, the studio behind Reus and the excellent turn-based globe-trotting adventure Renowned Explorers, has unveiled its new strategy game Godhood.

In Godhood, players take on the guise of a new deity, and start out by defining the religion that they’d like to usher into an unsuspecting world – whether it be one that embraces peace, love, lust, war, honour, cannibalism, witchcraft, or any number of increasingly unconventional ideologies, judging by the game’s new teaser trailer.

That’s pretty much all the information that the trailer does offer, however, aside from a pleasing introductory glimpse at Godhood’s classic isometric perspective and its rather lovely hand-drawn art style. Thankfully, there’s a slightly more detailed, and promising, overview of the game’s core features to be found on its developer’s website.

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Source: Eurogamer You can define your own weird religion in Reus dev's new god game Godhood