Well this is awesome. Folks, the lovely people at Batterystaple Games have been gracious enough to gift us with a number of copies of their awesome game: 20XX! We have two PS4 copies for NA, two PS4 copies for EU, two copies each for the NA/EU/AU regions on Switch, two Steam copies, and finally two XB1 copies of the game to throw at you. Phew. That’s a lot of copies and regions. I guess the next question some of you might have is, what the hell is 20XX? Well folks, it’s fucking awesome. -Fin.

Jokes aside, lets look at a lovely screen and the about section from the game’s Steam page:   

Giveaway: 20XX (Steam, XB1, PS4, Switch) screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Giveaway: 20XX (Steam, XB1, PS4, Switch)