I won’t rest until the Mighty No. 9 saga is finally completed. After tracking down multiple companies to find out what happened to physical Kickstarter rewards a year after the game’s launch in 2017, following a lack of communication on all fronts, I was galvanized to see this entire situation through.

But it’s not over yet.

Just in case you haven’t heard, Comcept still hasn’t released the 3DS and Vita ports from its Kickstarter campaign. Though it would be easy to assume they were quietly canned, even as recently as late 2017 developer Comcept explained that the ports were on track. It’s coming up on one year now with zero updates, and some backers I’ve spoken to specifically funded the campaign due to these ports.

On top of my experience covering this project for nearly five years, I’ve spent the last several months researching the entire 3DS and Vita situation from top to bottom. Here’s what I came up with.

A complete history of Mighty No. 9's unseen 3DS and Vita ports, and the hunt to find out what happened screenshot

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Source: Destructoid A complete history of Mighty No. 9’s unseen 3DS and Vita ports, and the hunt to find out what happened