The Simpsons and Futurama creator Matt Groening’s new Netflix series Disenchantment is set in the fantasy kingdom of Dreamland (perhaps named after the artistic enclave co-founded by filmmaker John Waters?) and follows the parodic misadventures of Princess Bean, her dimwit elf companion Elfo, and a tiny, vicious deadpan demon named Luci. Like Groening’s previous two animated series, Disenchantment appears to function primarily as a wry comedic deconstruction of a well-worn and beloved television genre. The Simpsons tackled the American sitcom, Futurama dissected sci-fi and all the tropes therein, and Disenchantment, it seems, seeks to dismantle the storytelling conventions and stock characters commonly used in Tolkien and Gygax-derived medieval fantasy.
Source: This Futurama Movie Predicted Matt Groening’s Netflix Show Disenchantment