I have a nephew who, in two weeks time, will be starting his freshman year in high school. The thought of that makes me feel fucking old but it also gets me thinking about my time in school. I loved school, going to class and hitting the books. The only problem was there were always other people around. People are the worst and high schoolers are the worst of the worst. I wish my nephew luck. These are about to be the most awkward years of his life. We all know that from our own experiences and the many, many video games that have been released over the years set in a high school.
Most of them are JRPGs, but for years gamers have had to endure the social constructs of high school while battling demons, exploring dungeons, or whatever other crazy quests developers tasked us with. In honor of back to school season, I asked my fellow Destructoid writers to name the video game school they wish they could have attended. Or maybe will be able to attend in some Never Been Kissed/21 Jump Street situation. After spending a few days in my thinking spot, I realized the most obvious answer to this question is Cool School High.
What? You’ve never heard of Cool School High? But it’s so cool, the word ‘cool’ is in its name and nothing says you’re cool like going out of your way to tell everyone that you’re cool. Cool School High is the setting of the forgotten NES…
What’s the opposite of gem? Dog?
Cool School High is the setting of the forgotten NES dog Ghoul School, where senior and punk rocker Spike O’Hara — Ireland represent! — has to save head cheerleader Samantha Pompom from demons and monsters that have taken over his school after Spike finds a haunted skull and brings it school. You know, that old story. Seriously, Samantha Pompom, Cool School High; if this game were any more 90s it’d come in Day-Glo packaging and include a coupon for $1.00 off a bottle of Sunny Delight.
So why Cool School High? Well, that haunted skull turned all the teachers and the football team in monstrous beasts I get to club to death with a baseball bat while wearing spring shoes. That’s pretty much what I pictured myself doing anyway any time I got a B on a math test.
Source: Destructoid It’s back to school season and we want to know which video game school you’d attend