Avalanche Studios has unveiled a brand-new slice of gameplay footage from its upcoming stunt-action spy extravaganza, Just Cause 4 – this one showcasing the game’s devastating tornados.

According to Avalanche, these “fully physicalized” tornados are just one of four so-called Extreme Weather simulations in Just Cause 4 (the others including intense lightning storms and blizzards), and are able to “rip through the landscape, send huge pieces of debris spiralling through the air and tear aeroplanes out of the sky”.

The latest gameplay video, which you can see below, demonstrates a mission specifically based around pursuing one of these tornadoes, and involves hurtling along in a brand-new vehicle – the heavily armoured Storm Chaser – in order to reach a base that lies in its path.

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Source: Eurogamer Just Cause 4's latest gameplay video shows off chaotic tornado action