The Indie Game Website writes: “Im going to preface this review with an important admission: Guacamelee is one of my favourite games of all time. Theres a problem with something being your Favourite Thing of All Time, though: when its sequel rolls around, your level of expectations and hype is practically stratospheric.

And so I booted up Guacamelee 2 with my excitement at a fever pitch. I had to bear in mind that a Metroidvania typically needs a little time to get going. By design you start off restricted and underpowered, and Guacamelee 2 is no exception. But not for long. And when it gets going, it never lets up. This triumphant sequel has everything which made Guacamelee great, but more. More abilities. More dimensions. More memes. And more chickens. A lot more chickens.”

Source: N4G PC Guacamelee! 2 review | The Indie Game Website