At one point during my demo at Gamescom, Biomutant’s furry little protagonist started beating up the heart of one of its 5 big bosses from inside its chest cavity. As the little fella pummelled away, accompanied by Batman-esque ‘Pows!’, Biomutant solidified the delightful absurdity the team at Experiment 101 is going for.

The 20-odd minute demo of Biomutant, which I was only tangentially aware of before today, was designed to show off its playful open world. Our racoon-like protagonist began his journey in a radioactive wasteland; one of four different environments that he or she can start off in. Immediately, we spot a ‘fluff hulk’, an accurately-named monster being attacked by one of Biomutant’s six tribes for its furry wool and its ability to eat radioactive berries and poop them into coffee.

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Source: Biomutant is the Most Bananas Game You've (Probably) Never Heard of