Namco Bandai, hot on of the heels of unveiling Harley Quinn Tira as a DLC roster addition, have released a (pretty epic) trailer showcasing the deep story mode headed to their upcoming Soulcalibur VI.

The Soul of Libra trailer focuses mostly on the events in SCVI’s single-player campaign which – as was the case in Soulcalibur III’s Chronicles of the Sword mode – will allow players to take a custom-designed character through an epic tale of swords, souls and sorcery. The trailer features glimpses of hero characters such as Mitsurugi and Spohitia, as well as grim-looking sorcerer fellow, perhaps Soulcalibur VI’s ultimate antagonist?

In blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moments, we also get shots of the customisation mode itself, which will allow you to create your own soul to step into battle with the likes of Taki, Zasalamel, Ivy and new hipster dude, Gr0h. It also looks like the RPG elements are returning, including raising levels and gather coin and provisions to travel further afield.

All in, Soulcalibur VI is looking like a really solid contender to the fighting game market. With a classic cast of characters, a selection of cool modes, stylish visual and new in-fight mechanics, Bandai Namco could be on to a real winner here, possibly the most successful competitive Soulcalibur title ever.

However, confusion about the marketing practice behind the delivery of Tira appears to be sending a lot of fans running. Due to bad wording from the publisher it appears, if you can believe it, that you get Tira for pre-ordering the season pass, not for pre-ordering the game. Bandai Namco need to clarify things fast, as there are mixed messages out there, and all of them are bad news.

Soulcalibur VI launches October 19 on PS4, PC and Xbox One.

Soulcalibur VI 'Soul of Libra' trailer includes a glimpse at customisation mode as Tira-gate continues screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Soulcalibur VI ‘Soul of Libra’ trailer includes a glimpse at customisation mode as Tira-gate continues