Okay, Torchlight Frontiers looks really good. While talk of a shared, persistent world had me slightly interested in the 2019 action-RPG title, the recent announcement trailer did absolutely nothing for me. This latest footage makes a much better case for Frontiers. It’s a no-nonsense look at gameplay.
There’s a lot to speculate on since the footage isn’t annotated, but right now, I’m fixated on a character who can seemingly lay down tracks for their turret train. That’s my jam right there. We’ve also got a whirling and twirling automaton and a spellcaster who can swat at foes with a big magical hand.
Everything looks so vibrant and punchy. I’m into it! If there are any concerns on my mind at this point, they have nothing to do with the look and feel of Torchlight Frontiers, which Echtra Games seems to be nailing. As we inch toward 2019, I’ll be curious to hear about pricing. It’s Perfect World, after all.
You can sign up for the beta right here if you’re so inclined.
Source: Destructoid This Torchlight Frontiers gameplay trailer makes a much better impression