After I spent about a week of frustrated time getting Dragon Quest X to run on my PC, I looked at my collection of Dragon Quest games and was a bit dismayed. I own at least one version of every Dragon Quest game in the main series and a couple of odd spinoffs. And despite the fact I have Dragon Quest XI pre-ordered for the PlayStation 4, my collection feels incomplete without the 3DS version in tow, regardless of it actually being localized or not (which all sources say is never going to happen.)

I mean, the PS4 version is supposed to be “superior” because obviously, it has better graphics. So better game, right? While the PS4 version does look absolutely jaw-dropping and is probably the most living portrayal of Toriyama’s style since Dragon Quest VIII, (X though really, but let’s be honest, very few people have experienced that one so who cares) the 3DS implementation of DQXI is no slouch.

So I did what any manchild in his thirties with a directionless life would; I bought a Japanese New Nintendo 3DS from a friend, complete with beautiful Kirby themed faceplate, and imported a copy of the game.

The 3DS might have the better version of Dragon Quest XI screenshot

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Source: Destructoid The 3DS might have the better version of Dragon Quest XI