Not every game developer hits it out of the park on its first try. Some take two, three, four, even ten attempts to find its place in the industry. Supermassive Games is one of those developers. Founded 10 years ago, the developer sort of meandered around the industry for the first couple years of its existence. Some DLC here, a port job there, a Wonderbook title – for some reason – all on PlayStation hardware. It had steady business, but it didn’t have a hit until 2015, when the company released Until Dawn.
This interactive horror game became Supermassive’s calling. Sure, it’s stepped out of that path a few times since then, creating Tumble VR and this year’s Bravo Team, but Supermassive has its niche: cinematic titles where player choice is everything. The team followed up its 2015 hit with the Sony PlayLink title Hidden Agenda and this year’s PlayStation VR game The Inpatient. In 2019, Supermassive will return to the Until Dawn formula once more with Man of Medan, the first game in The Dark Pictures Anthology.
Source: Destructoid The Dark Pictures: Man of Medan has the setting but it still needs the scares