For its tenth title update, Ubisoft has added New Game+ and a punishing new difficulty to Far Cry 5.
Once you initiate New Game+ from the pause menu, the world will reset but your money, gear, weapons, outfits, perks, challenge progression, and everything else you’d expect will carry over.
There’s a neat twist, too: certain perks stack and you can replay the campaign multiple times. “This applies to ammo bags, so that you never run out when the going gets tough! But you can also reduce the cooldown time for your Guns and Fangs for Hire to make sure they have your back at all times.”
The update landed just in time for Dead Living Zombies, the closing chapter of what has been a middling-at-best season pass. Here’s a brief (but frankly long enough) look at the $8 expansion:
Source: Destructoid Far Cry 5 lets you stack character perks in New Game+