Despite polarising its fanbase with a episodic release structure, Hitman 2016 was a huge favourite of mine. I loved the intricate detail of the environments and freedom this gave you to experiment with your surroundings. That coupled with the unpredictable nature of the gameplay meant that pulling off elaborate hits was always heart-pounding stuff, especially when your well laid plans crumbled before your very eyes!
Most of all though I loved the elaborate challenges you could take on in order to dispatch your primary targets in weird and wonderful ways.
To that end, I decided to attempt something rather special during my hands-on time with Hitman 2 at this years Gamescom. The Chilli Immolation Challenge is a unique kill that (as far as I’m aware) has never before been captured on video and you can watch me attempt it in the player below.
Source: Eurogamer The Chilli Immolation Challenge shows off Hitman 2's inventive kills in the best way possible