Developer A Brave Plan has unveiled its new first-person narrative mystery The Bradwell Conspiracy, which is being published by Surgeon Simulator’s Bossa Studios.

Set during Summer Solstice in the not-too-distant future of 2026, The Bradwell Conspiracy casts you as an employee of the outwardly benign (but almost certainly sinister) Bradwell Electronics. As the game begins, you awake to find yourself trapped amid the rubble of the prestigious Stonehenge Museum, having lost consciousness when disaster struck during a presentation of an amazing technological breakthrough.

Luckily, there’s at least one other survivor, Amber; less luckily, Amber is trapped on the other side of a locked door, meaning that you’re forced to delve deeper into Bradwell Electronics’ base of operations alone. The good news is that you’re able to communicate via a pair of Bradwell AR Smart Glasses, which also, handily enough, can be used take and share photos of your surroundings with Amber in order to figure out a plan of escape. Unfortunately, can you believe it, something terrible seems to be afoot within Bradwell Electronics’ walls.

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Source: Eurogamer Bossa Studios' The Bradwell Conspiracy is a first-person narrative mystery about corporate chicanery and Stonehenge