Players who quit out of Destiny 2: Forsaken’s Gambit multiplayer mode will be penalised, according to a senior Bungie designer.
While Bungie’s new team-based PvE/PvP hybrid mode – currently playable for free for all Destiny 2 players – is going down well with most Guardians, some are complaining that when players quit – either by accident or intention – the lack of match-made or drop-in replacements places an unfair disadvantage on the team of the quitter.
“Can you guys change it so that players can join mid-match? It really sucks if someone leaves because the games are long and you’re likely to lose because of it,” asked a commenter (thanks, Polygon).
Source: Eurogamer Expect "quitting penalties" and join-in-progress when Destiny 2's Gambit goes live next week