There once was a time when Destiny updated early in the morning, US time, and my entire crew loved it. Taking off work or simply logging in in the wee hours of the morning was an incredible feeling, like you were starting your day with Destiny. Then somewhere in all of the missteps with Destiny 2 it unceremoniously changed to 1PM ET. Now I know this time is ideal for many players all over the world, as Destiny is a global series, but I miss it.
But enough ranting, this post is to help inform people on when Destiny 2: Forsaken, the first major expansion for the sequel, will hit. Well my opening salvo should have prepared you: it’s also going to launch at 1PM ET. Bungie will start maintenance at 10AM ET, at which point everyone will be booting out of the game, so get what you need to get done before then. You can find the full patch notes here.
Note that although expansion launches are usually on the dot, there have been times when the maintenance period has ended early and players can log in before 1PM ET. The official Destiny Twitter feed is the best place to discern when Forsaken is actually live.
As a lapsed Destiny player, let’s hope this brings the game back in line with what we already had with the original’s Rise of Iron era. One year into Destiny 2 I’m over the “maybe this will be the start of something great” sentiments: it needs to be great now.
Source: Destructoid Here’s when Destiny 2: Forsaken will launch worldwide