IO Interactive, along with publisher Warner Bros. has released a new trailer for the upcoming stealth-action slasher Hitman 2, preparing to leap out of the shadows and onto various platforms in November.

Unoriginally titled “Welcome to the Jungle”, this new spot is definitely more of a mood piece, and is designed to showcase the dense and dangerous undergrowth of South America, with sweeping shots of trees, bushes and small running brooks. Amongst all this greenery, shady work is underfoot, as armed guards in hazmat suits patrol the sweaty locale.

But some of this undergrowth appears to be gently moving, more than animated by a passing breeze. Perhaps just local wildlife? a small critter of some sort, surely? But we all know better. Something wicked this way comes…

Hitman 2 launches on PS4, PC and Xbox One November 13.

Hitman 2's 4K jungle trailer is strictly for tree fetishists screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Hitman 2’s 4K jungle trailer is strictly for tree fetishists