Athlon Games – a subsidiary of Chinese publisher Leyou Technologies, owner of Warframe developer Digital Extremes and Splash Damage – has announced that it’s partnering with Middle-earth Enterprises to create a new free-to-play MMO based on Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings.

Information on the project is currently limited, but we do know that it’s set on Middle-earth prior to the events of The Lord of the Rings trilogy and that it’s coming to PC and consoles at some undisclosed future-date. Additionally, it’s being pitched as an “AAA experience”, and will enable players to encounter “lands, people and creatures never seen before by fans”.

Notably, Athlon, which is based in Los Angeles, isn’t creating the game itself, but will instead work with a partner developer – although there’s currently no word on who that might be.

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Source: Eurogamer There's a new free-to-play "AAA" Lord of the Rings MMO in the works