Having now gone to my first E3 and first PAX as a member of Destructoid, I’m not sure if I’ll ever go to either of these events again if I’m not a member of the press. It spoils a person to get almost instant access to any game they want, but of course, that access comes with a price. I’m not just there to play but to write as well, and I spend far more time trying to figure out ledes to these PAX coverage pieces than I do actually playing the game on the show floor. It’s a lot to process in that short span of time and not every game I play strikes a chord with me. At least, not in the same way Wandersong does.

Developed by Dumb and Fat Games, Wandersong is a Kickstarter-funded project releasing this month on Steam and Switch, that latter platform seeing the title due to the recent support in the Game Maker engine. The adventure game is the work of three people: developer Greg Lobanov, sound designer Em Halberstadt who previously worked on A Night in the Woods, and musician Gordon McGladdery. Having separate sound and music designers for a project with this small of a team is important because Wandersong is all about noise. The hero of the adventure, a lowly Bard, must find a way to stop the end of the world using nothing but his voice.

Wandersong is music to my ears screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Wandersong is music to my ears