A new trailer for Warner Bros. and IO Interactive’s upcoming release, Hitman 2, looks at the adaptive mindset of titular anti-hero Agent 47, focusing on his ability to react to his current situation, using intuitive improvisation in order to achieve his, and the player’s, morbid goals.
In the Hitman series, this comes down to the use of disguises, hidden tools and the environment itself in order to carry out contracts quickly, efficiently and with the minimum of fallout. We get to see the dangers of fault garage equipment and disco lighting, as well as 47’s chameleon-like abilities to fit in with a crowd, right up until the moment the world starts looking for “a suspicious bald person”.
You too will have the chance to play Manchurian Candidate in just a couple of months, when Hitman 2 launches on PS4, PC and Xbox One. Watch your step.
Source: Destructoid Hitman 2 trailer shows how 47 ruins everyone’s party