Following its announcement earlier this year, SNK’s miniaturised classic arcade cabinet – the Neo Geo Mini – is available for pre-order from Amazon, releasing 29th October 2018.

The Neo Geo Mini: International Version comes loaded with 40 classic Neo Geo games in the system by default, including classics from the Metal Slug, King of Fighters and Samurai Showdown franchises. The Mini is modelled after classic Neo Geo arcade cabinets, which we saw precious few of over here in the UK but were hugely popular in Japan and the US, albeit with different colour schemes in different territories.

The International version available for order here reportedly includes 14 games not previously included in the Japanese Neo Geo Mini release. The system is HDMI enabled and features a 3.5-inch display that runs at the ideal resolution for classic Neo Geo games. The whole package will cost you £129.99 while stock lasts.

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Source: Eurogamer Neo Geo Mini console now available for pre-order in the UK