Many years ago, freshly merged Square-Enix made waves when it announced its flagship Final Fantasy series would be returning to a Nintendo console in the shape of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. Released for the GameCube in North America in 2004, the game was one of the few to use the GBA link cables for up to four-player co-op. The entire game was playable in co-op and in my sophomore year of college, it was the game not even mid-terms could tear me away from.

The series enjoyed some level of popularity as sequels appeared on the DS and Wii until it all came crashing down with the poorly timed The Crystal Bearers. That was in 2009, but it looks like Square-Enix is finally willing to give the series another shot as it announced the original game is being remastered for Switch and PS4.

The original Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles is returning on Switch and PS4 screenshot

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Source: Destructoid The original Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles is returning on Switch and PS4