From RPS: “Shadow Of The Tomb Raider makes an interesting, and it seems perhaps omen-ladened choice right from the start. As you sit down at the games first campfire, looking through the skill and equipment menus, youll spot Lara has a number of outfits available from the off. Amongst those you might have gained in previous games in the series, and the extremely funny choice to let you play the whole game looking like the triangular Lara of Tomb Raider II, is an option to guise Lara in her Angel Of Darkness incarnation. It probably seemed like it would be a pleasingly arch goof, deliberately reminding players of the infamously broken and unplayable final game from original Tomb Raider creators, Core. My experience suggests this wasnt perhaps ideal.”

Source: N4G PC Wot I Think: Shadow Of The Tomb Raider – RPS