Kotaro Uchikoshi and Kazutaka Kodaka, the creative forces behind cult mystery novels series Zero Escape and Danganronpa have teamed up to form a brand-new independent game development studio in Japan, going by the name of Tookyo Games.
Too Kyo Games was revealed to the world, alongside the seven-person team’s first projects, during a Famitsu Magazine livestream earlier today, as recapped on the Famitsu website.
Four as-yet-unnamed projects have been announced, at least one of which looks to follow the familiar template (that is, a group of unwitting participants caught up in a game of death) that served the enormously compelling Zero Escape and Danganronpa games so well. However, the studio’s main focus – and the project likely to be of most interest to fans of those series – will feature scenarios jointly created by Kodaka and Uchikoshi.
Source: Eurogamer Zero Escape and Danganronpa creators team up to launch new indie studio