After three stupendous Forza Horizon games, each better than the last, it becomes difficult to come up with new superlatives to describe Forza Motorsport’s open-world, more social-friendly spinoff (that, by the way, is even better than Motorsport). So here we are, with a Britain-based Forza Horizon 4, and after playing the first two hours of the campaign – experiencing the Summer and Autumn seasons in the process – I’m left with one simple word: “yes.”

Is Forza Horizon 4 Beautiful? Yes.

Polygonal Great Britain has never looked better, with real-life landmarks you can stop and take a look at by driving up to them and pressing X. So too are the seasons themselves stunningly rendered, from the high overhead bright sunshine of the summer to the red and orange leaves that settle on the roadways and blow away from the car when you drive through clusters of them.

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Source: In Forza Horizon 4, Video Game Britain Has Never Looked Better