It has taken entirely too long for Sony to move away from its one-letter-at-a-time search function in the PlayStation Store, but it happened. It’s now possible to search for content on the PlayStation 4 storefront using a virtual keyboard. I won’t feel forced to use a web browser anymore!

Today brought the 6.00 system firmware update, which sounds notable, but isn’t. (Or is it…?) After an extensive round of beta testing, the one-bullet-point update simply “improves system performance.” Some folks are sure there’s more to come, but as far as the patch notes go, that’s it.

Personally, I’ll take what I can get. If we’re talking most-wanted PS4 features, the store search improvement sits right below the ability to change our dreadful PlayStation Network IDs. I’m happy.

It's no longer a pain to search the PlayStation Store screenshot

Source: Destructoid It’s no longer a pain to search the PlayStation Store