It’s port day! That magical time where Switch-only owners get to play several classic indies that weren’t previously available on Nintendo systems for whatever reason.
Undertale (on September 18) and Bastion are the highlights, but there’s also Wasteland 2: Director’s Cut, NeoGeo Ninja Commando, Danger Mouse: The Danger Games, Defunct, Doughlings: Arcade, Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk, Monkey Kong: Master of the Clouds, Old School Musical, Omvorm, Scribblenauts Mega Pack, Senran Kagura Reflexions, Shadow Fight 2, Siegecraft Commander, Slice Dice & Rice, Super Dungeon Tactics, Surgeon Simulator CPR, Sword of the Guardian, The Mahjong Huntress, The Spectrum Retreat, and Warlock of Firetop Mountain: Goblin Scourge Edition. The 3DS is getting the lone release of Space Defender Battle Infinity. Undertale will be $14.99 at launch on Switch, but note that it’s $5 on PC currently as part of a sale until September 18, and basically any PC can run it.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is also getting the Golden Country expansion on September 14 (if you’re a season pass owner) and September 21, depending on your method of picking it up.
Source: Destructoid Nintendo Download: Undertale