One Piece: World Seeker is looking better all the time, and sounding better after the news that Bandai Namco has delayed it into 2019 for polish. All too often we see licensed anime games taken out of the oven before they’re cooked.
World Seeker seems to have a considerable amount of effort dumped into it too, as it’ll be sporting at least two original characters created just for it. As Jump Magazine has revealed, Isaac will be part of the festivities as the warden of Jail Island, the setting for the game. He’s also a mysterious scientist, which sounds anime as hell. I can’t wait to presumably pummel him.
Jeanne, the other original cast member, rules the anti-Marine faction, and plays the role of the naturalist foil to Isaac’s evil scientific ways. Yep, science was used to warp Jail Island beyond recognition and now Jeanne (and presumably Luffy, the protagonist of the manga/anime and World Seeker) want to set things right.
One Piece: World Seeker will be released sometime in 2019 on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.
YonkouProductions [Twitter via Siliconera]
Source: Destructoid One Piece: World Seeker will feature two original characters