Sakura Space, a hentai visual novel developed by Winged Cloud. Released in September 2, 2016. Available for PC Windows, and Linux operating systems. Available for Download on Nutaku for $10.00. No voice acting. Genitals hidden.
Captain Shika is the commandeer of a group of female bounty hunters. They traverse the final frontier on a space ship. Captain Shikas comrades are Kotori and Nami. Theyre all exhibitionist lesbians.
One day, Shika reads the ad for a gig with an insane bounty. The gig is to hunt down a girl named Akane. The plot follows the girls as they try to track down the girl. Little do they know, Akane is also tracking down them.
Source: N4G PC [NSFW] Hentai Visual Novel Review: Sakura Space – Hentai Reviews