If there’s one thing that I struggle with in Fortnite, it’s the building – which is un-fort-unate given this is a key aspect of the gameplay. But Epic is making things a little easier for players with its latest item. A souped-up version of the Port-A-Fort, I present to you: the Port-A-Fortress.
The (slightly alarming) new item was announced on Fortnite’s daily newsfeed, along with a message proudly announcing the fortress will “take defence to new heights”. We don’t know exactly when it’s arriving, but it’s likely to be within the next couple of weeks. Like the Port-A-Fort, the fortress will instantly instantly create a building in which players can take cover. Judging by the announcement, the Port-A-Fortress will probably be a legendary item.
Somewhat mysteriously, only 20 minutes before Epic unveiled the new item, Reddit user Feralidragon posted a concept for a legendary Port-A-Fort they’d created in playground mode. It’s an incredible coincidence, and honestly, I feel their creation looks a lot better than the artwork for the actual Port-A-Fortress. Sorry Epic.
Source: Eurogamer Fortnite's new item is the Port-A-Fortress